Upcoming Programs
NB: All programs listed below are shown as Eastern Standard Time (EST), Fees are in Canadian Dollars and payment is accepted via etransfer or Paypal. Online programs are open to everyone worldwide. In-Person programs are available in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Workplace programs can be arranged online or in-person. Feel free to inquire below or by emailing: heidismithvitality@gmail.com. Never miss a future program announcement… sign up for Heidi’s Kitchen Newsletter.
1. Finding Freedom with Food. Online 4 part series begins Fri Jan 17th. FULL. Please join the waitlist for the next series….
2. Silent Retreat: Exploring Self . St. Brigids Villa. Guelph, Ontario. Fri Feb 28th. 8:30-2:30pm EST
3. Online SoulCollage® Series. Exploring the Wisdom on Your Parts. Begins Friday March 21st
4. Spring Embodiment Retreat with SoulCollage®. St. Brigid’s Villa. Guelph, Ontario. Sat April 12th. 10am-4pm EST
Finding Freedom with Food Series
Live Online Zoom Series
The new year is a time of resolutions and hopes for a new beginning with health habits. The common theme is to set off on a path of best intentions, cutting out the excess and resolving to get back to regular exercise and ‘stick to it’ this time. However, for many of us, the old habits creep back in as January passes. Most of us know what we need to do, we just can’t seem to make ourselves do it consistently. Common comments include: “I just need to control myself around food” or “I need someone to keep me accountable” or “I’m an intelligent person, why can’t I figure this out?”.
For many, food can feel like a huge burden, requiring an immense amount of energy to ‘try to be good’ and then to endure our intense inner critic when we indulge. There is another way that can lead toward freedom with food. It still may involve setting intentions for the new year, but as you succeed or fail each week, there is an opportunity to become deeply curious about your inner world. Throughout this series we will begin to explore your thoughts, emotions, body sensations and impulses around food. The real gold is not actually in the achievement of your goals, it’s in the understanding of how your inner system works.
What (or who) is getting in the way and why? Is there a part of you that sabotages your efforts? What old patterns are getting in the way of your success? Finding the answers to these questions is a game changer. It gives you a new perspective to forge a different path forward that has nothing to do with “control” and everything to do with forming a compassionate relationship with your inner world. You move toward eating foods and quantities that taste good and feel good in your body. You begin to rebuild trust with your body and you find new ways to calm your mind that doesn’t have to involve food.
Topics: We’ll draw upon the science of Positive Psychology, Self-Compassion, Internal Family Systems, Intuitive Eating and Mindfulness. We’ll also discuss, the art and soul of eating by tapping into our intuitive mind and drawing on the wisdom of images through SoulCollage®. We’ll also explore ‘how did we get here?’, by looking at cultural burdens around food/body as well as childhood eating wounds caused by well meaning caregivers who likely didn’t know any better. (ie: clean your plate, rewarding good behaviour with dessert, tricking you into eating veggies…)
We’ll aim to transcend old patterns by approaching our eating with mindfulness and curiosity. When we seek to understand the past and care for our inner world in the present, we can take a more compassionate road forward that is focused on balance and making choices that feel good in our bodies.
When: Sessions will run biweekly on Fridays at 3:00-4:30pm EST
Friday January 17th, 2025
Friday January 31st, 2025
Friday February 14th, 2025 (then a 3 week break)
Friday March 7th, 2025
Format: Small group Biweekly Sessions. The format will include a combination of some didactic teaching of core concepts, short mindfulness meditations and visualizations, journaling insights and small group reflection. All sessions will be live online using Zoom. *IF the times or dates don’t work for you, join our waiting list and be the first to know when this program is run again.
Who Should Attend? Anyone interested in deepening their relationship with food and the body. A basic understanding of Internal Family Systems and SoulCollage® is beneficial however not mandatory. Come as you are! No preparation is necessary.
Note: This series is not recommended for anyone who has an active eating disorder. If you think you may have an eating disorder you might consider reaching out for individual sessions or seeking support through the National Eating Disorder Information Centre.
Fee: $75 per session or $275 CDN for the 4 part series. The didactic portions and meditations with instructions will be recorded so that you can keep up with the content if you must miss a session. However it is recommended you try to attend all sessions in person to benefit from the small group discussions and insights from others. Receipts will be provided at the end of the series for anyone wishing to claim the series through their extended health benefits or to be included as a health expense on your personal taxes.
Recommended Reading: We will explore some wisdom and teachings from the new book "Unburdened Eating: Healing your relationship with food and your body using an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Approach" by Jeanne Catanzaro.
Register Now: PROGRAM is FULL. JOIN the waitlist for the next series. Provide your preferences for times and dates. We’ll contact you as soon as the next program is ready to go. Online WAIT LIST
Questions? Reach out using the CONTACT form below.
“To some degree, we are all compulsive. Our struggles range from over worrying, to overworking to overeating to over drinking. Our primary reaction has been to try and control our behaviour but when we try to control our compulsions they control us. If we do manage to stop one, another always takes its place. There is another way of healing that is more about responding rather than reacting. Our compulsions thrive in reaction and heal in response. They won’t let go until they teach us how to engage with them. We can give them the attention and compassion they need to heal. In the light of our compassionate attention, not only do they lose their power over us, but they become the doorway to healing that we have longed for’.”
— Mary O'Malley author of “What’s in the way, Is the way”
Silent Retreat: Exploring SELF
Join us for a day of silence, mindfulness practice, SoulCollage® and SELF energy. This is an opportunity to gently turn toward your mind and body for an entire day.
Does that sound soothing or terrifying? Energizing or exhausting?
Often just the idea of turning off our phones and removing distractions will activate intense protective parts of us. These protective parts can keep us distracted from the worries of the world. This is an important job but we can get caught in over-working, over-thinking and even over-eating as a way to protect our young vulnerable parts that lay below the surface. There is an opportunity for rich exploration and healing here.
Can we get to know these protective parts that drive us all day and reconnect to that calm, wise inner SELF energy that is always available to us? It is from this wise and compassionate place that we can care for our vulnerabilities instead of always turning to distraction.
Being in silence is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. When we share silence together it is a gift for each other as well. We create a community within the shared silence and emerge with new insights into our way of being in the world.
We return to the world with fresh eyes, new growth and hopefully a little more connected to our wholeness than when we started the retreat. A Silent Retreat can bring unexpected gifts of peace and comfort. We begin to discover a relationship with all our inner parts from the lens of a compassionate observer. This observing energy has been described by names across many different cultures and traditions: Witness, Observer, Consciousness, SELF energy, Buddha Nature, Christ Consciousness, Core Self, Wise Knowing… the list goes on. We’ll enter the day with curiosity and see what shows up together in Silence. Many people describe the silent experience as moving closer to becoming their own best friend.
The format for the day begins with a welcome and introductions. The group will go into silence together and will be guided through a variety of meditations and activities including body scan, walking meditation, time outdoors, mindful eating meditation, mindful movement and SoulCollage. You will have the opportunity to make a collage to capture the experience and perhaps even represent one of the ‘transpersonal cards’ as described in the practice of SoulCollage. At the end of the day the group will come out of silence together and have time for an optional debrief of the experience.
A silent retreat is an integral part of the mindfulness based stress reduction program and is recommended to do regularly to enhance your mindfulness practice. It is also recommended as part of the SoulCollage practice to create one of the 3 transpersonal collages: Source, Soul Essence and Witness.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I spend lots of time alone in silence, how would this be different? Many of us spend a good portion of our day in silence… working, cooking, walking, reading etc…. A silent retreat is a very different experience. When you remove your daily responsibilities and distractions, it allows you to turn inwards to explore your body sensations, thoughts and emotions. The value of this focused activity is that you have the time and energy to turn toward your deepest needs with curiosity and compassion. You will often leave the retreat with a renewed sense of inner caring and inner strength. You can bring this skill of awareness back to your daily life to help you notice your inner needs in the moment. With practice you become more skilled at responding rather than reacting (or distracting) to the stressors of the world.
Why would I want to be in silence with a group? I’m afraid it will feel strange or anti-social not to talk to people. This is a common concern. Being silent in a group can feel strange at first, however most people settle in and feel a huge sense of relief that they can be with others, without having to talk to them or care for their needs. This is especially true if you identify as a people pleaser. You can relax in knowing that everyone is caring for their own needs, you can just focus on yourself. That is often one of the best gifts of this experience… an opportunity to be supported by a group without having to care for anyone else but yourself. Does that sound selfish? That might be worth exploring while you are in silence! Many people also comment after the retreat that they felt a warmth and camaraderie with the other members of the group even though they didn’t speak with each other all day. It highlights how we communicate non-verbally through body language, smiling, eye contact and simply building a sense of community by committing to a shared experience.
I associate silence with someone giving me ‘the silent treatment’. Silence feels lonely for me. Why would I want a whole day of that? Good question! A silent retreat is a chance to explore and potentially change your relationship with silence and even loneliness. During this silent retreat you will be invited to go inward and see what shows up. If you feel loneliness, that is an opportunity to witness those feelings, welcome them and potentially send some loving energy or loving words to your lonely parts. It’s often described as being your own best friend or practicing self-compassion. Its a simple practice, but not always easy. You will be guided by the facilitator and held by the energy of the group. It’s a very unique opportunity to practice the skill of self-compassion with the support of others. It’s a skill you can bring back to your daily life.
Am I allowed to cough or sneeze or laugh? Yes of course! A silent retreat isn’t about being somber or tip toeing around. If you think of something funny and laugh, that’s just a part of being with your inner world. The silence is more about removing distractions and the pressure to speak or explain ourselves. It’s built on trust within the group that we are all taking care of ourselves.
What if I get overwhelmed? Or I need something? Can I ask for some support? It’s a normal part of the human experience to find some strong emotions when we go inward. Tears are welcomed as much as laughter. You’ll likely find that you will cycle through many emotions throughout the day including but not limited to: happiness, boredom, irritation, joy, anger, curiosity, grief… the list is endless. You’ll be provided with some grounding exercises and many options for self-care throughout the day, including the opportunity to go for a walk on the trails or to do some collage. If however you need some support you can reach out to the facilitator Heidi Smith at any time. You can do this by writing a note on a piece of paper or pulling Heidi aside and speaking quietly so as not to disturb the group.
I’m not very good at meditating. My mind is always racing. Do I need to be a regular meditator to come to this retreat? No, you don’t need to meditate regularly in order to benefit from this silent retreat. Most of us have a busy mind. The intention of this style of meditation is not to stop our thoughts, it is to simply notice our thoughts. Just this tiny shift can often give you a sense of relief that you aren’t being yanked around by your thoughts and emotions… you can have a little distance from them as you learn to observe and accept them. Does that sound hard? It is certainly a skill that simply takes practice. There’s no wrong way to meditate. Throughout the day, you’ll be guided to notice your present moment experiences, and when your mind wanders… the practice is to simply notice that you started wandering. That’s the skill of mindfulness. And it can be incredibly powerful.
Do I have to turn off my phone for the entire day? No, however it is recommended you try! If due to extenuating circumstances you need to check your messages you’ll be asked to do it discreetly and mindfully so as not to bother the group. This is an opportunity to see how it feels to disconnect from our devices (that includes smart watches) and everyone who tries to reach us on our devices. This is not to stay that technology is bad, it is simply a unique chance to explore and remember what it feels like to disconnect and turn your whole attention to the present moment and yourself. Note: you will be provided with Heidi’s cellphone number to give to family members in the event of a time sensitive need to reach you
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom” - Viktor E. Frankl
Who Should Attend: Anyone interested in exploring a day of rest, mindfulness and introspection. No knowledge of Internal Family Systems or SoulCollage® is necessary. Disclaimer: A silent retreat is not a replacement for therapy. If you have a history of unexplored complex trauma or untreated severe depression/anxiety it would be best to seek support from a therapist before attending a silent retreat.
Feel free to reach out to Heidi if you have any questions about the retreat: heidismithvitality@gmail.com
Date: Friday February 28th. 8:30am-2:30pm (Bring a Bagged Lunch).
Location: St. Brigids Villa, Guelph, Ontario.
REGISTER: Fill out this FORM to register today.
Fee: $175 CDN.
SoulCollage® Online Series: Accessing the Wisdom of Your Parts.
Wisdom is always available when we are able to slow down, get curious and listen inward to the messages of our mind and body. Claim an afternoon each month for YOU to play, explore, express and connect to the wisdom of your inner world.
SoulCollage® is a unique and fun way to combine images that you are intuitively drawn to. It can be relaxing as well as deeply moving as you create surprisingly meaningful collages NO ARTISTIC ABILITY REQUIRED.
Every 3 weeks we will explore a different aspect of wisdom: wisdom from your inner family (My committee), wisdom from the important souls in your life (My Community), wisdom from your body (My Companions) and wisdom from beyond (My Council). The series is organized as four 2.5 hour mini – online retreats. Beginning March 21st 2025
Session #1: Exploring your Committee.
In SoulCollage® we describe your Committee as all the different parts that contribute to your personality: Your Inner Critic Parts, Your Dreaming Parts, Your Protective Parts, Your Victimized Parts, Your Inner Child Parts, Your Mothering Parts... You don’t even need to decide what parts to explore, you can just relax and trust that whatever part of you needs expression will emerge as you are drawn to the images that have meaning for you.
Session #2: Exploring your Community.
Your Community is described as all the people, pets and places that influence your life. You can intentionally make a collage to represent a Grandmother, a cherished pet, your childhood home, a dear friend, a deceased family member or you can even make a collage for someone whom you find challenging. By representing parts of your community through collage you can gain new insight and strength from these important aspects of your life.
Session #3: Exploring your Companion.
Our body is sometimes referred to as our "Loving Companion". Like a loyal friend, our body is always doing it's very best to keep up with our pace - to heal, to adapt and respond to our needs. In this session we will discuss the 7 Chakras and create a collage to represent an area of our body that may be calling for attention. This is a new and beautiful way to explore the wisdom of the body.
Session #4: Exploring your Council.
The Council is the term to describe the mighty Archetypes that play a role in our lives. Archetypes are universal symbols with powerful energies that we can draw upon in times of need. This may come in the form of an Icon such as: The Buddha, Mother Mary or Mother Nature. Or they can simply be a generic symbol: The Hero, The Rebel, The Trickster. Understanding our connection to these powerful energies and their shadow side can be extremely liberating.
Fee (Investment in Self): $95CDN each or $299CDN for the full series. *Bonus: Register for the full series and we will mail you a creativity package with an assortment of magazine images, collage cards and protective sleeves. All prices are in Canadian dollars, no tax. Payment can be made by etransfer to heidismith01@gmail.com or Paypal (heidismithnutrition) if outside of Canada. It may be worth checking if you have coverage for Registered Dietitian in your extended benefits. The SoulCollage® process can provide valuable insight that can profoundly impact health and eating habits.
Where do I get the collage cards and images? Typically we recommend making your collages using magazine images glued onto cardstock cut to the size of 5x7”. However it’s your deck of collage cards! You can make them any size, using whatever materials you wish. It is also possible to make your collages digitally by pasting searched images onto a blank word or powerpoint document. NB: If you register for the full series we will mail you a creativity package with collage cards and images at no extra charge (allow 2 weeks for delivery within Canada. Longer delivery times may apply for other locations).
All are welcome: This retreat series is appropriate for those new to SoulCollage® as well as those who have been practicing SoulCollage® for years! We will also be exploring the similarities between SoulCollage® and the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model. SoulCollage® is a wonderful way to access SELF energy and give voice to our Parts. Not to worry, you don’t have to know anything about IFS either! All people and parts are welcome.
Dates/Times/Location: ONLINE using Zoom. Begins March 21st 2025 and runs every 3rd week on a Friday afternoon 2-4:30pm EST.
Session 1: Friday March 21st, 2025. My Committee
Session 2: Friday April 11th, 2025. My Community
Session 3: Friday May 2nd, 2025. My Companions
Session 4: Friday May 23rd, 2025. My Council
Can’t Wait? Make your own group of 3-6 individuals and reach out to Heidi using the email below to find a date to start anytime.
Register Today: Fill in the google Registration Form to register and submit payment to hold your spot. If you have questions reach out using the CONTACT form below. At any time you can also email: heidismithvitality@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
Spring Embodiment Retreat
Join us for a full day retreat experience of creativity and play. Gently explore your relationship with your body through SoulCollage®. What does it feel like to be embodied? Find a fresh perspective on the beauty and wisdom of your body.
Throughout this retreat we will work with images to explore this deep and far-reaching aspect of our lives. We will use an Internal Family Systems (IFS) lens to begin to identify the parts of us that need attention around our body and begin the work to heal and restore balance. We’ll use images and SoulCollage® to get to know our inner allies, challengers, protectors and exiles.
We will ask some important questions such as: How is inner wisdom and intuition communicated through my body? Is there anything preventing me from being fully in my body? What type of care is my body asking for?
The answers to these questions will begin to arise through the intuitive process of SoulCollage®. It is a unique and fun way to quiet your left brain “thinking mind” and step into your right brain creative side using a simple method of combining pictures that you are intuitively drawn to. It is a relaxing and fun experience and you end up creating surprisingly meaningful collages. NO ARTISTIC ABILITY REQUIRED.
Who Should Attend? Anyone interested in exploring their relationship with their body and being embodied. No experience with SoulCollage® or Internal Family Systems is necessary. If you’ve tried SoulCollage® before, this is an opportunity to explore more deeply in the area of embodiment. All are welcome!
The collage cards you create can serve as a beautiful road toward self-understanding and self-compassion. When you turn inward with curiosity, you begin to accept allparts of yourself and unlock the potential for better health, stronger relationships and living life with a sense of freedom and purpose.
Date/Time: Saturday April 12, 2025. 10:00am-4:00pm
Location: Ignatius Jesuit Centre, St. Brigid’s Villa, Guelph, Ontario.
Investment in Self: $225. (Early bird rate $195 if registered by March 28th, 2025)
A delicious Plant-Based Lunch is included. Collage materials will be provided
Register Today: Fill out the REGISTRATION FORM to hold your spot. Space is limited.
If you have any questions, feel free to use the CONTACT form below. At any time you can also email: heidismithvitality@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
Reconnecting with SoulCollage®
Description: SoulCollage® is a unique and fun way to combine magazine images that you are intuitively drawn to. It is a relaxing and fun experience to sift through images and playfully put them together to create collages that are seemingly random however end up being surprisingly meaningful. It is a gentle and creative way to connect deeply with yourself. All collage materials will be provided.
NO ARTISTIC ABILITY REQUIRED. Whether you are new to SoulCollage® or you are a seasoned SoulCollager® and you just want to reserve some creative time to treat yourself… reach out to find a date.
How to get started? *Create Your Own Program: Set up your own group of 3-12+ participants and choose dates that work for you (Pricing varies depending on number of participants). Available for personal groups or as a workplace wellness initiative. The workshop can be delivered in person or online using Zoom. Use the CONTACT form below to inquire.
Introduction to Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating is the ability to connect to our own internal signals for hunger, fullness and stress. It's a way of trusting and honouring our body so that we can enjoy food, in quantities that make us feel good without guilt! In this workshop we'll discuss mindful eating, the impact of emotions on eating and common barriers that get in the way of intuitive eating. The hope is that you leave with a fresh perspective on your eating habits and a new connection with your body to guide you toward optimal health.
Book a session for your workplace: Available as a workplace wellness session in formats of 60-90mins, online or in person. To inquire please use the CONTACT form below or email Heidi at heidismithvitality@gmail.com.
Instructor: Heidi Smith, Registered Dietitian, Mindfulness Facilitator
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a researched based approach to help people better respond to stress, anxiety and pain. The original 8 week program* was developed in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn a researcher at the University of Massachusetts. Measurable outcomes include: reduced stress, better sleep, lower blood pressure and fewer ‘worries’. The MBSR program is currently offered in over 700 medical centres and has been adapted to run in many businesses across North America.
Mindfulness for the Workplace
The MBSR program has been adapted and researched for effectiveness in the workplace as a way to reduce and respond to stress. Mindfulness Based Interventions in the workplace have been shown to be an effective way to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Other positive outcomes include: increased wellbeing, reduced rumination, improved sleep quality. (Janssen et al.)
Topics Covered: Mindful eating, mindful movement, training the wandering mind, noticing our assumptions, sitting with difficulty, dealing with uncertainty, pain management, negativity bias, positive psychology principles, reactivity vs. responsiveness, fostering self-compassion, stress in relationships and exploration of the nine pillars of mindfulness (Beginners Mind, Patience, Trust, Non-judgement, Non-Striving, Acceptance, Letting Go, Gratitude, Generosity)
Research Supported Outcomes: Reduction in markers for stress, anxiety and depression, improved focus, decreased sick days, reduced reactivity to triggers, better emotional regulation, increased body awareness (hunger, fullness, fatigue), increased empathy for self and others.
Delivery: The MBSR program can be adapted to fit the needs of your workplace. It is usually delivered over 6-8 weeks using a live online format of 1-2hrs per week.
If you would like to arrange a free introduction to mindfulness for your workplace simply fill out the CONTACT form below. During the Free Introduction we will discuss “What is mindfulness” and sample several different mindfulness practices to help gauge interest in your workplace. For more details email heidismithvitality@gmail.com or fill out the CONTACT form below.
Radical Self Care 4 Week Program
Self care can become just another thing that falls to the bottom of our to-do list. This program is an opportunity to gain a new perspective on your health and how you care for yourself. Rather than just making a list of all the things you “should’ be doing, we’ll take a radically different approach and tune into the habits you are truly longing for. We’ll look at how stress, fatigue and emotions can interfere with your natural cues for body awareness, hunger and fullness. We will work on accepting where you are right now while tapping into your strengths to help you get where you want to be. Topics will include: Mindful eating, better sleep, mindful movement, stress management, self-compassion and staying motivated for the long term. The intention over the 4 weeks is to help you ditch self-care ‘shoulds’ and instead learn to connect to realistic new habits that honour what your mind and body need every day. See Heidi’s article “What is Radical Self Care”
How to get started? *Create Your Own Program: You can set up your own group of 4-8+ participants and choose dates that work for you (Pricing varies depending on number of participants). Available for personal groups or as part of a workplace wellness initiative. Can be delivered in person or online using Zoom. Use the CONTACT form below to inquire.
Don’t Miss the Hidden Messages in Your Dreams
Psychiatrist Carl Jung said “The dream is a small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul”. Dreams can help us better understand our unconscious world and give us new insights for personal growth and wholeness. The images in our dreams often point toward our “blind spots”. Our blind spots are the parts of ourselves we don’t like to look at also known as ‘our shadow’ or our ‘complexes’. For this reason, it can be easy miss the message in a dream due to our unconscious patterns and biases.
Join us for a 4 week rich exploration of dream translation. We will use ancient stories, fairytales and common dream examples to explore:
o The importance of the opening scene of a dream
o How our own personal bias can get in the way of understanding our dreams
o Common dream images and how to get around our blind spots to better understand
o The sacredness of dreams and how to hold them gently and with reverence
o Understanding the power of archetypes in dreams and their impact on our waking world
Each participant will be encouraged to keep a dream journal for the duration of the course. Due to the sacredness and private nature of our dream material, participants will not share their own dreams in the group setting. However general themes will be addressed and personal questions can be discussed privately with the presenter throughout the course.
Location: Sessions will be run online using Zoom. The sessions will be recorded and available for 1 month following the course for viewing by class participants. Max 12 participants
Dates/Times: TBA. Online using Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link upon registration. Details below.
Investment: $99 for the series of 4 sessions
Registration: Use the CONTACT form below to inquire.
Food As Fuel: Video
This 18 minute video provides critical information about fueling your body for optimal exercise performance. Whether you are a competitive athlete or simply trying to feel more energized around your workouts, this informative presentation will give you practical tips to choose the right foods before and after exercise. You will also receive information about balanced snacks and choosing the best energy bars for optimal energy. This video is a perfect companion to Heidi Smith's book "Nutrition for the Long Run".
Cost: $8 per download.
For team discounts contact: info@heidismithvitality.com