Resources & Quizzes


Recommended websites

Dietitians of Canada 

UnlockFood - Free resources, meal planning tools, dial a dietitian

Eat - The United States Dietetic Association

Cookspiration - Recipes and grocery lists (phone app option)

Center for Science in the Public Interest - Excellent articles on all health and nutrition topics

Am I Hungry - Mindful eating tips

Eatracker - Free eating and exercise tracker

Calorie King - Food database to look up nutrition facts

Your Healthy Weight - Dairy Farmers of Canada resources

Myfitnesspal - Exercise and eating (phone app option)

Ellyn Satter - Feeding with Love and Good Sense for Children

Fitday - Food/activity site

Leslie Beck - Author, RD and nutrition writer for the Globe and Mail

Jean Lamantia - Nutrition and cancer survival

National Eating Disorder Info Centre

Irritable Bowl Diet information



Test against Love: interview with Elizabeth Gilbert.   

Self Compassion exercises

Awareness of Breath: Here's a short video describing the Alternate Nostril Breathing that we tried together

Body Scan (20min)

Body Scan Tame anxiety (8min)

Body Scan (3min) - (Also see Apps: Buddify, Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer). 

Jon Kabot Zin Breath and Body Scan (20min)

Oprah and Deepak 21day meditation challenges

Deepak Chopra - Heart Meditation (45min)  


Authors & Books

Jon Kabat-Zin: Full Catastrophe Living

 Dr. Christiane Northrup: Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes: Women Who Run with The Wolves and The Joyous Body

Heidi Smith: Food, Hunger and Habits



Free Character Strengths Quiz - questionnaire to rank 24 strengths

Self Compassion Quiz

Inner Critic Quiz



Introduction to Mindful Eating (9 min)

What is Mindfulness: Jon Kabot Zin (5min)

Mindful eating Exercise (5min)

Dieting Cycle vs Mindful Eating Cycle: Dr. Michelle May TEDx (15 min) 

Review “Self Regulation" since it is so integral to habit change.  Discusses the value of self control in children, adults and relationships (6min).   

4-7-8 Breathing: Dr. Andrew Weil (3min)  

1min meditation instruction: Deepak Chopra  (4min)

Do nothing for 2 minutes: 120 seconds of quiet ocean scene.  No narration. 

Strengths approach - The Science of Character (8min)

"What's in the way, is the way": Mary O'Malley 30min interview about her incredible books. If you like this woman, check out her website:

Woman, Food and God. Check out Oprah's Super Soul Sunday interview: Geneen Roth

Self Compassion exercise using a picture of yourself as a child - Watch this short video to see it explained (4min)

Should I do SoulCollage? (30min)

Brene Brown: Guilt vs Shame - Over 7million views it's so FULL of wisdom.

Mindfulness on '60min': Anderson Cooper interviewing Jon Kabot Zin  (13min) 

9 Attitudes of Mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinn


Other Resources

5 min "Self Compassion Break" from Kristen Neff's website. 

"The Body Keeps the Score"  - author Bessel Van der Kolk discusses how we hold trauma in our body.  He mentions at the end of this video how body movement such as yoga and QuiGong can be more effective at treating trauma than medication. (7min)   

Article: Create Better Days with Empowering Routines and Loving Rituals: "Rituals remind us of our own sacredness".  A reminder to honour our "loving companion" - our body... that is working 24/7 to keep us going.  

Article: This is What Self Care Really Means”   

Boundary setting for those things that we are not necessarily "drawn to" but are tough choices that our body needs us to make.  I love this quote from the article: "True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from."