Radical Self Care: A fresh start anytime
You don’t have to wait for the new year to review your health habits and connect to a deeper place within to determine if you are truly taking care of yourself in the way you deserve. I believe that self-care is a noble path that leads us to a richer fuller life. As we take better care of ourselves, we have more resources to care for those around us and also to care for this beautiful planet on which we live. Read on as I share about my journey to create the Radical Self Care program, followed by the reading list that inspired it’s creation. In the comments section below, I invite you to share your own inspired reading. **What books, podcasts and/or programs have inspired you toward your own Radical Self Care?
In 2016, I starting running a program called: Radical Self Care. It is close to my heart because it came out of a personal realization years ago that following all the recommendations for eating and exercising just wasn’t enough. I would eat well-prepared meals and snacks, exercise daily and still fall into bed every night exhausted after pushing myself to the extremes. I was becoming a martyr as I cared for everyone else but nobody seemed to be caring for ME. I realized I needed a radical shift in my approach to self-care. I started reading, listening to podcasts, taking courses and pulling groups of like-minded soulful people together to see if I could find another way.
The message came loud and clear. I had to let go of what I was ‘supposed to” be doing and start listening to myself. In particular, listening to my body, following my gut and knowing my limits. This wasn’t always easy because I had built a world around me that was dependent on productivity and service to others. I had to start using my voice and asking for what I needed. I’m still working on this today. This radical shift helped me find my own answers from within and surround myself with supportive people. This is what the program is about. Gathering each week with a group of supportive, like-minded individuals to begin the practice of listening for what we really need.
Each time I run the program it is refreshingly different. The participants bring unique challenges, insights and wisdom. This program isn’t about telling you what to do, it’s about taking the time to listen for what you already know and having the support to follow your gut. I’ve been so inspired by countless people on my road to developing this program. It’s a huge long list of authors, teachers, colleagues, participants and friends who have helped the program change and evolve every time I run it. I’ve listed some of the books and authors I have found helpful on this journey. I invite you to peruse the list and see if a title or author jumps out at you. This is just another practice of letting your intuition guide you to the next best step. If you’d like to join us for the next Radical Self Care Program, you can find more details here
Radical Self Care: Recommended Reading List:
Full Catastrophe Living: Jon Kabot Zin
The Self-Acceptance Project: Tami Simon
Women who run with the Wolves: Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Joyous Body: Audiobook. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Eat Pray Love: Elizabeth Gilbert
Women, Food and God: Geneen Roth
The Artist’s Way: Julia Cameron
Women’s Body’s Women’s Wisdom: Christiane Northrup, MD
The Untethered Soul: Micheal Singer
What’s In the Way is the Way: Mary O’Malley
Present over Perfect: Shauna Niequist
The Gifts of Imperfection: Brene Brown
Radical Self Compassion and the RAIN practice: Tara Brach
SoulCollage® and the School of the Origins: Mariabruna Sirabella
** Remember to tell us your favourite inspiring books in the comments block below.